New Year’s Resolutions for Your Garden

As we enter a new year, you’re probably doing some reflecting about the year that has passed and what you’d like to see in the year ahead. And while it’s the dormant season for many outdoor plants here in New Jersey, it’s never too early to be thinking about what you’d like to accomplish in your garden this year! Whether you have a seasoned green-thumb or you are new to gardening, here are a few New Year’s Resolutions to consider to help your plants thrive this year.

Establish a Plant Care Routine

Oftentimes, plant care becomes somewhat sporadic – a “do it when I can” sort of thing – but routine can be helpful for you and for your plants. Create a regular habit of spending time with your plants, whether it’s selecting a specific day of the week to water your houseplants, committing to journaling about your plant growth each month, or taking time to weed your raised beds every other morning. A little discipline in your plant care routine might be just what your plants need to grow and thrive this year!

Grow Your Own Food

If you have been thinking about vegetable gardening but hesitant to get started, this could be a great resolution for you! Think about a few vegetables or herbs that you cook with frequently, and consider starting a small vegetable garden. Herbs can be easily grown in porch pots, and many vegetables can thrive in container gardens or raised beds. Come into the garden center to talk to us about what you’d like to grow, and we can help you select the right soil and plant varieties to ensure a successful garden!

Invest in Growing Your Knowledge

Maybe this is the year you take a hands-on approach to learning more about gardening! At Farmside Gardens, we offer classes and workshops throughout the year to help home gardeners learn professional tips to help their garden thrive. Keep an eye out for classes that cover areas of interest for you, whether it’s a class on houseplants, a floral design class, or a class about cooking with your own herbs.

Share Your Garden Bounty

If your garden tends to overproduce, maybe this year your resolution can be related to giving to your community! Commit to finding local food pantries or community members in need who would accept fresh veggies from your garden. Then, when harvest season comes, make a regular habit of delivering those fresh veggies to those in need.

Start a Garden Journal

Many gardeners like the idea of journaling about their garden, but aren’t sure where to start. This year is a great time to start documenting your successes and challenges from the garden! Check out our blog post about how to journal about your garden for some inspiration to get started.

Have other resolutions in mind? We’d love to hear about your garden goals for the new year! Drop us a message on social media or chat with us when you stop by the garden center. We hope we can support you in reaching your goals!


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